Temple Gun Club

Dedicated to protecting your Second Amendment Rights

We the People

2020-12-28 14:47 | JEFF S HOWARD (Administrator)

From the Pistol side of the Range with Sanders

WE the People

A friend of mine, a former FBI agent, sent me this email. I am sure many of you have seen the same one. It is a bill being submitted by Texas state representative Terry Meza. There are several questions as Patriots you and I need to ask ourselves:

One: When you read the article what did you do? Did you validate the information was accurate and not just some right- or left-wing media hype? 

Two: Did you write or call you state representatives and voice your opinion on the subject, or did you write/call Governor Abbott and your Senators?

Three: Did you write or call your second amendment group that you contribute to? NRA, Firearms Policy Coalition-FPC, Gun Owners of America-GOA or Second Amendment Foundation-SAF, etc. 

What did your club do?  Should our club be our voice to our government representatives or should it be us.......

There is no doubt that 700 plus voices strong is better than just one! So read the bill below and decide what will you do with this bill or any other bill you see that threatens your Bill of Rights.

In Texas, State Representative Terry Meza (D-Irving) has introduced HB196. Her bill would repeal the state's "castle doctrine." This doctrine allows a homeowner to use deadly force against an armed intruder who breaks into his home.
Now listen to what she has to say...
"I'm not saying that stealing is okay," Meza explained. "All I'm saying is that it doesn't warrant a death penalty. Thieves only carry weapons for self-protection and to provide the householder an incentive to cooperate. They just want to get their loot and get away. When the resident tries to resist is when people get hurt. If only one side is armed fewer people will be killed."
Meza was quick to reassure that her bill "would not totally prevent homeowners from defending themselves.
Under the new law the homeowner's obligation is to flee the home at the first sign of intrusion. If fleeing is not possible, he must cooperate with the intruder. But if violence breaks out it is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure no one gets hurt. The best way to achieve this is to use the minimum non-lethal force possible because intruders will be able to sue for any injuries they receive at the hands of the homeowner."
"In most instances the thief needs the money more than the homeowner does," Meza reasoned. "The homeowner's insurance we reimburse his losses. On balance, the transfer of property is likely to lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth. If my bill can help, make this transfer a peaceful one so much the better."

Here are my representatives. Do you know who yours are and do you have them listed in your email address book for quick references?

Texas Rep Hugh Shine -room E1.308 PO Box 2910 Austin Texas 512-463-0630
Sen. Dawn Buckingham- PO Box 12068 Capital Station Austin Texas 512-463-0124
Governor Gregg Abbott-PO Box 12428 Austin Tx 78711 -512-463-2000
John Cornyn -517 Hart Senate office Washington DC 20510 - 202-224-2934
Ted Cruz -300 E 8th st Suite 961 Austin TX 78701 - 512-916-5834

As a side note, there has been much media mis-information on this bill. The reality is the bill repeals “stand your ground” but does not repeal “Castle Doctrine”. It would give a duty to retreat before using deadly force everywhere except in your home. With the new political climate, we must make sure we are supporting second amendment groups that fight these battles for us.

Stand up and be counted!

Jim Sanders

Temple Gun Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. PO BOX 2027 Temple, TX 76503

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