Welcome to Temple Gun Club! We are a Members Only Club Members enjoy Range access 365 days year! We are not open the General Public except for Match Participation 500 and 300 yd Rifle, 8 Tactical Bays, covered 100 and 200 yd Rifle Line and two covered pistol pavilions. Defensive Pistol, USPSA, Steel Challenge, 22LR Precision Rifle, Center Fire Precision Rifle, Hi Power Rifle Matches and 2 Gun! Go to our "Events" Link to view the Calendar...Non Members may participate in the matches! Click the "Join Us" Link above for Membership Information "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself." ~ George Washington Rules and procedures for firing from 300/500 yds and Steel Targets are published and located under the "Range" tab |
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Click here for step-by-step instructions for printing member cards and log in/account setup! |
Welcome Temple Gun ClubThe Temple Gun Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, helping promote shooting sports, offering training and shooting opportunities for all levels of shooters, and providing a safe shooting range for the members. The Club maintains a shooting range for members and guests at 3924 FM 438 Loop Rd. The Club has monthly shooting competitions for pistol and rifle disciplines (see calendar of events). The range is open 8am until sundown daily. The Club meets the first Monday of each month at the Harris Community Center, 401 N Alexander St, Belton. Prospective new members should arrive between 6:00pm and 6:15pm with a completed application. Prospective New Members must attend the mandatory orientation briefing. Membership is $150 annually plus a one time $50 Admin Fee for New Members. ($200 total for new members.) CASH or CHECK only for Initial Membership. Download Membership Application here: Membership Application.pdfMembership questions? Contact Jeff Howard @ jeffshoward58@gmail.com | Range LocationMeeting Location |
Apply to be a contributor! We have here a community of like minded individuals who have a vast knowledge base! If you would like to share, we would love to have you.