Temple Gun Club

Dedicated to protecting your Second Amendment Rights

Contact us

 Contact Numbers for Board of Directors

President: Ken Gaby:  254-718-3115

VP & Membership Director:  Jeff Howard: 208-741-0152

Treasurer: Don Wyatt: 254-780-2664

Secretary: Dawn Chaput: 508-735-5851

Charles Vahrenkamp 512-745-7875

Jeremy Curran 254-444-3090

Jason Armstrong: 254-534-0739

Erik Marshall: 510-725-7499 

Jack Sublett 713-757-2158

Membership Questions?  jeffshoward58@gmail.com

Match Questions?  jarmstrong2@hot.rr.com

Physical Address:

3924 FM 438 LOOP RD

Temple, TX 76501

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 2027

Temple, TX 76503

Temple Gun Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. PO BOX 2027 Temple, TX 76503

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